The entirewar has always been about their resources
The entirewar has always been about their resources
I honestly think that eco-sabatoge needs to become the norm.
We need to redefine the legal definition of ‘violence’ to include environmental destruction. Breaking and dismantling heavy machinery that aids in the planet’s destruction (equipment for logging, drilling, building roads, etc.) should be treated as a form of self defense.
Except unlike ‘Just Stop Oil’ and other climate protest groups, the goal is not to get arrested for media attention. The movement should about getting arrested at all costs.
The CIAs even had a nifty guide from 1944 filled with ideas for how to fight fascism through sabatoge.
Or you can check out Ecodefense: A field Guide to Monkeywrenching
We gotta put the poors somewhere…/s
Doing the Lord’s work 🤙
I never said that animal exploitation is good, just that it is ‘natural’ in the world. Solarpunk, as an idea, has everything to do with nature. Coexisting and living with it, rather than against it.
Is it wrong to use ladybugs as a form of pest control instead of harmful chemicals?
It’s it wrong to ride a horse around a farm instead of an ATV or even an electric UTV?
Additionally, the definition of exploitation can vary wildly from person to person, and even moreso between cultures. So imo, pretty much everything that happens in the animal kingdom is party of solarpunk. The “good” and the “bad.” As nothing is all good or all bad. Even murder can be justified in the most extreme cases (i.e. Hitler, Stalin, Trump, billionaire CEOs, etc )
Thanks for the response!
But at least someone at Google gets to see your nude now! How kind of you to share with them :)
I thought the USA was the Israel lobby 🤔
Or an extra 45min nap! They’re the best on cold, rainy days.
I mean, animals are exploited by other animals all the time… The relationships can be mutually beneficial though or at least commensal (one species benefits while the other neither benefits nor is harmed)
There are wasps that mimic bees and take over their hives for their own breeding purposes.
Some prairie dogs use bird calls as a predator warning system, which the bird exploits to steal the prairie dog’s food.
Cuckoo birds lay their eggs in the nests of other birds to be raised by them
Some ants farm aphids for their sugary secretions
People were able to live side by side with so many animals over millennia without destroying entire populations. So I’d say that humans using animals instead of machines can be quite solarpunk.
Yet. Not doing that yet. That’s cause it’s not up and running yet lol. We’ll see who pays them top dollar for their CO2.
My mercenary kept dying on that boss too, but my monk with high energy shield had little issue.
As for the flask charges, maybe try a flask that has recover x charges per second?
Symptoms may include:
I got a lot of early Assassins Creed vibes from Ghost of Tsushima.
I’m sure T-Mobile already accounted for this lawsuit into their yearly budget set aside for legal fines. If the fine is less than the profits they earned from leaving the security risk in place, which they almost certainly are, then this is just a case business as usual.
Some people would literally rather nuke the planet than take a train to work…