Once his party picks a new leader, yes.
Once his party picks a new leader, yes.
I don’t think it’s void exactly - there’s some stuff around visas that’s still active. But yeah, as far as being a trade agreement it’s pretty worthless.
That article is already outdated - they’re still saying it’s set for tomorrow: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/north-america-braces-new-trump-tariffs-saturday-deadline-nears-2025-01-31/
Just going to mention that if you’re okay with non-FOSS office software, I really like Softmaker’s suite (their buy-once non-subscription version).
I goofed around in Adventure Mode a decade ago and kept spawning new characters trying to find a necromancer’s tower filled with zombies, BUT with a magic book that makes you undead / immortal. Eventually I got it, which was cool, until I realized that as enemies hack at you you lose body parts. I think by the end I was like a single finger or something absurd?
Bezos owns the Washington Post, not the Wall Street Journal.
This is what I do. I love it.
Ensure that all new recipes you learn are vegan. Overtime as you build confidence making vegan foods / get used to it you’ll likely veganize some of your foods.
That’s assuming Trump doesn’t just order the military in and annex us by force, which is the greater concern.
I’m not in Toronto, but in Vancouver I see enough fare evaders that if well-positioned I think they could pay for themselves. Especially because they’re plain-clothes, so the fare evaders will go through and then have to pay the large fine as opposed to just pay for the one ticket because they saw an inspector.
This is why in my game the first order of business each session is scheduling the next session.
Only works if your adversaries also cut military spending. Unfortunately countries like Russia have shown that they’ll happily attack those unable to defend themselves. This also means that increased military spending can cause less war if it deters those who would otherwise attack.
Related question - will any 3rd party launcher allow for multiplayer authentication? Right now I install each game manually but sometimes I want to play on online servers.
I mean OP would be paying taxes here and spending money in our economy, while not taking an existing job. That’s pretty good.
That only works if the carbon in the plastic originally came from the atmosphere, but we use oil to make plastics. So increased demand for plastic = increased demand for oil, and that oil was already sequestered to begin with.
Think of it this way - imagine nationally the election is close and how your state distributes EC votes determines the outcome. Let’s further say 70% of your citizens voted for candidate A, but for candidate A to win nationally they need all your EC votes. Given that your state laws should primarily be for the benefit of said state’s citizens, would you really want an outcome that 70% of your state’s voters don’t want? All it would take is one election where this determined the outcome before the voters would make it “winner takes all”.
Work computer. I’d wipe it with Linux if I could.
How do you get systemd to work properly? Maybe because I tried to follow MS’s “use your own distro” instructions instead of using something prepackaged?
I think as a young child I had a banana flavoured oral antibiotic drink drug for an ear infection.