I honestly hope this will result is a strong alliance between the EU and Canada and if possible other countries. It’s kind of our own fault for relying on the US for too long, we need to make sure we can protect ourselves without the US.
I honestly hope this will result is a strong alliance between the EU and Canada and if possible other countries. It’s kind of our own fault for relying on the US for too long, we need to make sure we can protect ourselves without the US.
My wife makes this hair potion with rosemary, you boil it for an hour or so any strain the liquid.
I’m glad I know now, I also learned when the stove gets too hot it does shut off. Because it was off when I went downstairs to get a drink. It smelled pretty burned.
Absolutely agree with you my friend
The world isn’t this black and white, so you can’t just compare things at a basic level like this
For example the Netherlands has intuition fee’s for universities. It’s about 2500 euro per student per year. I’d much rather have it free, but it’s still nothing compared to the 50K or 100K some people pay for an American University
Didn’t know that type, now I might have to get one
Let me give you some real advice, buy a Casio G-SHOCK, pick a version with tiny solar panels. Seriously, they will last a very long time, no need to change a battery or synch it. Strapped my watch on like a decade ago, still works without any maintenance or anything.
Lemmy kind of sucks, that’s why I like it. Reddit to me was like beer and Lemmy is like non alcoholic beer. If stop drinking a non alcoholic beer is fine, but I don’t really need one every day.
The US banned Huawei, is close to banning TP-Link, so there is definitely a fear over Chinese spyware. It’s a very real risk, just like Russian anti virus software (Kaspersky) had been banned recently.
But even if you don’t believe it’s about spyware TikTok should still be banned for economic reasons. China basically blocks all non Chinese socialmedia apps, so why would we accept Chinese social media? The playing field should be equal, banning TikTok makes it more equal.
I don’t really believe Gaza has much to do with it, you can find the same content on YouTube or X or other platforms.
That I didn’t know, the healthcare system was very different when I was a kid myself. We have made it a lot more commercial on the last 20 years.
But why is dental health so bad? Is going to the dentist very expensive? I don’t have dental insurance and I pay about a 100 euros to get my teeth checked and cleaned yearly. But for most people it’s about 50 for a normal check-up.
I’m from the Netherlands, we have healthcare but dental is usually not included and most people pay it themselves. You can include it but it’s usually more expensive than a normal yealy check-up.
Why do Americans and Canadians have bad teeth? Is brushing something people just don’t do?
Do you really need it?
Out of a population of about three-quarters of a billion, under 14 million people (approximately 2%) in Europe receive artificially-fluoridated water. Those people are in the UK (5,797,000), Republic of Ireland (4,780,000), Spain (4,250,000), and Serbia (300,000).
Most European countries don’t use it and we are fine.
That is actually not relevant, it’s whataboutism. The fact that someone does something bad doesn’t give you any right to just make your own rules.
Otherwise you could also say I should kill that friend that drove home after one beer too many, because he could have potentially killed someone.
Because unfortunately too many people vote for politicians that allow companies to do this. It’s a shame someone like Bernie Sanders never became the president.
Yes because killing people is wrong.
Look the CEO probably deserved to get shot, but a society can’t function without some basic rules, like killing is bad.
On Wikipedia it says
Mmt principals (nr 3) Is limited in its money creation and purchases only by inflation, which accelerates once the real resources (labour, capital and natural resources) of the economy are utilized at full employment
So you can’t really always print more money, unless you don’t care about inflation (that mostly screws the middle class).
I have a similar sort of recipe, but instead of the broiler, you can also drain all the liquid, put it back in the slow cooker and set it to high for 1 hour.
I usually drain the liquid to a small pan and boil it until it becomes much less liquid and more like a sauce, I add it back to the slowcooker after the hour is done.
I’m not sure what OPs argument is, but maybe it’s something like, if we have very high inflation the rich will actually lose money as their savings have less value. While at the other hand wages go up.
This argument is flawed, as the rich usually don’t have savings, but investments. Those will actually just go up with inflation. Like if you invest in stocks, gold or houses, all of those will go up in times of high inflation.
So printing money is just going to screw the middle class with some savings in the bank. It’s also going to screw young people that don’t own a house.
I said it before and I’ll say it again, Linux mint is the work horse of all the distros! Its easy, it usually just works, it’s the distro you pick when you want to get work done.
I have been using Linux for 2 decade’s now and have tried all the major distros. Somehow I keep getting back to mint because I don’t spend too much time to get it just right, and I actually spend time on my work.