Pillars of Eternity, which I did not give a fair shot when I first tried it and am enjoying a lot more this go around and Baba is You.
Pillars of Eternity, which I did not give a fair shot when I first tried it and am enjoying a lot more this go around and Baba is You.
I was just looking for a good breathing app that lets me customize settings, thanks for this
It kind of works in Elder Scrolls games. You’re typically just some random dude getting roped into stuff you barely understand so it makes sense that you don’t have much of a sense of urgency. And the main quest usually has parts where you’re encouraged to go do other stuff to build up skills and join factions.
This is a good set of neck stretches I always send to artist friends.
Wrists are another one but I don’t have a link on hand (ba dum chhh) for that.
Yup, either through Termux or Round Sync
Rclone makes Cryptomator redundant since it has built in encryption, if you want it simple.
I really hate the Xbox system names.
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver was an awesome game.
That is most of what it does unless I’m misunderstanding what you mean. It can do general image manipulation stuff.
I used to use GIMP, but Krita has gotten advanced enough to where it can replace it for most things (at least that I would use it for).
Try to keep your feet more underneath you than in front of you to fix heel striking.
I use mantras sometimes for a simmilar reason, I find just having something to interrupt the train of thought and give me something else to focus on helps.
That is an interesting and cool idea. Curious about how it goes!
Basically when Windows became pay-per-install. PCs stopped coming with an install CD so if you needed to reset from scratch you couldn’t. I first tried Linux out of necessity because that was all I had to put on the machine in the house, and ended up never looking back.
Vagrant Story had a really cool swordfighting system.
There are a lot of “I like this in theory but nobody else I know uses it” social things like Matrix 😑
The Last Argument of Kings by Joe Abercrombie. The final book in what has become one of my favorite fantasy series.
Yep. Its such a great series with such a cool, fleshed out world, its hard to find another scifi series that hits the same way.
It does everything through clever game design, nothing takes you out of the game. No cut scenes or text popping up or freezing everything while dialogue is going on. You’re just in that world.
Substitute 1 with Zero Mission, which is a much better remake.