A #PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays #Tabletop and #VideoGames; if the weathers nice I #Climb rocks, but mostly fall off of indoor #Bouldering ones.

Pronouns He/Him
Blog https://realmenweardress.es
Photos https://pixelfed.social/pieceofthepie
Keyoxide https://keyoxide.org/606B2E3C103A443663DA82716B37390F365AADAA

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Depends on how you like to learn. I’m a doer so I just got stuck in building and bodging things together.

    Plenty of videos about, Jeff Geerling (youtuber who does lots of Raspberry Pi stuff) has a bunch of videos and a book.

    Well worth it though. I couple it with terraform to handle the infra stuff and I can have a basic VPS spun up with a locked down firewall and SSH with a single command and about 5 minutes.