I used to “love” running in to McD when I was in a hurry and ask “what burgers do you have that are ready?” and just take whatever was available. More often than not, it was a cheese/double cheese.
Now I have to wait 5-10 minutes before its ready, and its more expensive.
The trade off of cheap and fast vs quality have disappeared.
If you think we actually invest in infrastructure, you are sorely mistaken… I mean yes, we have a decent charging infrastructure. Driven by Tesla purchase and gas stations following through in order to retain EV customers. So some infrastructure is needed to support that.
But we don’t even have good enough infrastructure to distribute an abundance of hydro electricity from North to the South, while at the same time we export electricity down to central Europe from the South, so prices fluctuates a crap ton.
Don’t get me started on train lines being neglected for the past 50 years. And as most countries we are realising that all our sewage and water lines need a massive renewal…
Maybe we should use more of the oil fund for these tasks, but I believe there would be large inflations if we tossed the oil fund around to fix everything…