If I could piggy back onto your question, how could trans and intersex people leave the country without a passport? Asking for myself.
If I could piggy back onto your question, how could trans and intersex people leave the country without a passport? Asking for myself.
Thanks, but I have thr same thing. ChatGPT can be a wonderful tool if used correctly.
I have a d100 list for diseases, curses, mundane magic items, cursed magic items, NPCs, random encounters, and so on.
Whenever my players stray off the campaign, I have plenty to continue the game seamlessly.
If the US owns Tiktok, then any bans or censorship would be a violation of the first amendment, right?
Bill Maher is a right wing hack who masquerades (poorly) as a democrat and liberal.
I’m a welding apprentice and I just started aluminum MIG yesterday. Today will be continued practive. After work, assuming I’m not entirely exhausted, I’ll be working on writing a D&D campaign for my players.
Doomsday prepping is the answer. Start building up a large supply of non-perishable foods, properly sealed for long term storage.
Have a wide variety of different food storage options. Having nothing to eat but rice will drive you insane (that’s not hyperbole, it’s serious).
Not just food storage, have tons of medical and hygeine priducts stored up as well. Things like toilet paper, toothpaste, wet wipes, ibuprophin, tums, etc. Assume there will be no stores or money in the future, plan acordingly.
Have all of your important documents in paper form. Keep all contact information, passwords, addresses, phone numbers, emails, and other important info on physical paper. There’s a strong possibility the internet will go down for a long period of time.
If possible, download Kiwik. Within the software, you can download all of wikipedia so that you have an accessable offline copy. It’s about 125gb in size.
Start downloading stuff you don’t want to lose. If you have a youtuve video ripper, start ripping videos on how to do things like repair your own car and other repair tutorials. Download videos and tutorials on how to cook if you don’t already know how. Also how to start and maintain a veggie garden.
Have a plan for the electric grid going down for a long period of time. Folding solar panels are a great way to keep phones and battery banks charged.
I could go on all day, but basucally you should prepare for a total government collapse. Internet, electricity, plumbing, trash removal, hospitals, police & fire rescue, depletion of groceries and store goods, etc. I have do doubt we’ll see these things either partially or completely collapse and fail.
They made up an email address, claimed it was OPM, then spent an afternoon pretending to be official between that and the fork in the road email.
Isn’t that a crime? Pretending to be a federal agency when you’re not?
When you knowingly and willingly drive a Swastikar, you’re going to receive negative attention.
As it turns out, having an account on a social media platform full of Nazis, violent racists, and child diddlers is not good for business.
orders requiring the modification of recorded history is not far away.
That has already happened in some red states.
It’s the rich buying off both major political parties in the US. One is paid to implement a fascist oligarchy. The other is paid to pump the breaks on the fascist oligarchy when the population freaks out.
In both cases, political bribery has run amok and unchecked. Neither party is beholden to the will of the people. Low voter turnout means Republicans and oligarchy wins. High voter turnout means Democrats and the same oligarchy wins.
This may sound odd, but have you asked thr 3D printing community? We love to tinker and make things. If you gave us your measurements, specs, type of prosthetic, functionality requirements, etc, I’m sure someone or a group of someones will get on that.
I knew I recognized the signature A in Archlinux.
This gulf of mexico crap is just another distraction from the real evils happening.
Personally, I would expect more than just a social media post. A second social media post repeating what they read in the first post shouldn’t count as evidence or confirmation.
Not to sound insensitive, but this is just a social media post quoting another social media post without proof or the ability to verify anything.
Fanta green apple. I loved it, but Fanta killed it. Now I don’t drink Fanta.
Without an internet bill of rights, I won’t trust AI.
As it turns out, Democrats were only pretending to be the party of resistance. Both parties were taking bribes from the same rich oligarchs. The illusion of choice and all.
Seriously, how is this not obvious to the Democrat party?