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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I’m not sure there’s much hoarding. They still have a relatively short shelf life. Although I will admit that this tips the scales a bit to convince people to buy eggs when they aren’t sure they’ll need them.

    A bigger demand is going to come from food service. A lot of small restaurants need eggs, e.g. for anything battered. These places aren’t big enough for Sysco, and certainly not big enough for assurances on availability. They often use suppliers like Gordon Foods, Costco, and even retail options like Aldi and Walmart.

    While even a large family doesn’t need more than a couple dozen eggs per week, small restaurants purchase eggs by the hundreds.

  • It’s called “psychological pricing”, although I’ve always seen the term “just-under pricing”.

    First, it’s not even true that prices are rounded to the nearest cent. Gas is typically priced with an extra 9/10 of a cent. Fractional cents are used in accounting (like compound interest), even if they are discarded in the final results. Places that have done similar still use the small values when processing electronic transactions (credit cards), but don’t collect when paying cash.

    Pricing rules can also easily adjust over time. When it was discontinued, the US half-cent was worth about the same as a modern dime. I could see us getting rid of the penny and nickel (and probably the quarter, since it won’t make sense without a nickel). Prices would then just have a single decimal place, like $9.9 instead of $9.99.

  • I fully disagree with that statement.

    In most of the world, nearly everyone has a smartphone. Within that, there are 2 main options - Apple, or one derived from Google’s Android. Within the latter, you run the stock OS, which effectively requires a Google account, or you can run a custom OS. The custom OS also requires a Google account for anything resembling the usual functionality of a smartphone.

    I’m aware that De-Google movements are out there, but that’s why it’s such a big deal. It’s hard to run an Android-based device without a Google account and still have it do what you need/want. And while Lemmy’s user base probably has a higher percentage than average, it’s still going to be a low percentage.

  • The potassium levels are very low, to the point where it doesn’t make a difference. While there are different varieties, most only have 45mg. For comparison, a banana has 400+, and a cup of apple juice has 250. The human body requires 3400 per day for men, meaning 8oz of Gatorade only provides 1.3% of what you would need in a normal day, even less if you’re deficient.

    Sodium is a bit higher, from 160-310mg of the daily recommended 2300. Even if we ignore the fact that most people have more than enough sodium, particularly the type that are drinking enough for a hangover, a cup of chicken broth has 950mg. In fact, some varieties also have more potassium than Gatorade.

    IOW, you’d be far better off drinking some chicken broth and eating a banana than drinking Gatorade.

  • I know people will argue with me, but it really depends on what I drank, and not just how much. Even within the same type of alcohol, different brands or varieties give me very different results. For instance, Tullamore Dew (although it is delicious) gives me very nasty hangovers, far more than other Irish whiskeys.

    But of course, there are other factors that are far more important. Obviously drink water, but you also need electrolytes (and no, Gatorade does not do this). Drinking on a full stomach and drinking slowly/steadily will also reduce your hangover the next day. And it probably doesn’t need to be said, but when it stops feeling enjoyable, stop drinking. Whether it’s because the party is winding down or because the smell makes you gag, you don’t always need to have the next drink.

  • I don’t think that’s quite how it would play out.

    Texas has long been aching to leave the US. They’ve setup all sorts of their infrastructure and economy to not be dependent on the rest of the US.

    Many southern states, particularly Oklahoma, fantasize that they’re part of that. When Texas leaves, they will expect to join. But Texas views them as freeloaders.

    It’s possible Texas invades to steal resources, but they don’t want the land or the people. More likely it’s the reverse - The poor states (now extremely poor, since they won’t be getting all that juicy federal money) will be envious of Texas’s wealth, and may invade to claim some of it for themselves.

  • One thing to add is that there is a difference between looking nice, and looking fashionable. Looking nice tends to be relatively timeless. Going back 100 years, you could easily put on one of Humphrey Bogart’s suits (probably minus the hat and cigarette) and easily be seen as very well-dressed. Same for a James Bond tuxedo.

    But neither of these will make you appear fashionable. That is to say, in touch with the current clothing trends, particularly of the youth.

    It’s up to the OP if the latter is really what they want.

  • Unfortunately, that seems to be about local communities, which aren’t really important. In fact, due to federation, that’s the least important aspect of an instance.

    By default, Lemmy is wide open to anything and everything. You need to see what they have turned off/blocked/removed, to see if it’s what you want.

  • Many (most?) instances do block porn. Aside from liability concerns, porn tends to be high bandwidth, meaning high costs to operate. As such, there are a handful of VERY NSFW instances that aren’t well-federated.

    Of course, it depends on how you define porn. I see a ton of suggestive (but not outright pornographic) anime when I browse All/New, but very little of actual naked humans.