It’s not hate reading, it’s loving honesty. The article frames the story as an anti-government civil liberty issue, and the community is letting blind rage at the mention of a car create a blind spot over self-defeating libertarianism.
It’s not hate reading, it’s loving honesty. The article frames the story as an anti-government civil liberty issue, and the community is letting blind rage at the mention of a car create a blind spot over self-defeating libertarianism.
“terminal car-brain” 😂 you guys’ll pathologize anything
Dear Santa, for Christmas this year I want a deck of Internet meme psychology tarot cards. The Narcissist. The Gas Lighter. The Driver. I have not been a good boy, thank you for understanding.
Angry, vindictive Internet dwellers love to identify with the left while arguing on behalf of libertarians. So long as Somebody On The Other Side is getting punished the specifics of self responsibility and internal consistency don’t matter too much.
Counterpoint: grow up and learn to say no to your 15 year old self. “I’m just a kid and life is a nightmare!” is only a waypoint on the path to maturity, and immaturity is poorly disguised by pleas to “please somebody think of the children!” Children are welcome to have all their own thoughts and feelings, but having thoughts and feelings doesn’t entitle or qualify anybody to amplify them into leadership and policy.
Life on an island applies pressure to compromise. Lemmy emerged comprised of those who wanted out specifically not to have to compromise. I think the federation concept will serve to reinforce isolated thought bubbles, and a platform migratory pattern will emerge as people crave a return to society and then an escape to their own private beaches. There’s a maturing period to grow through for sure, though.
Disagreement? In this echo chamber?? No nuance, netizen! Back in line!
I started to prepare for 2026, but the thought that “Blue Wave!” fails is so preemptively humiliating that the only logical conclusion was to roll over and let the fascists ride on through 2028. I truly wish I could help or do anything at all but I’m safer here on the couch! Besides, The Capitalists rigged it all anyway. I think if I feel bad enough for anybody who isn’t as safe and I starve, deprive, and isolate myself then I can make up for my own sense of helplessness.
There was a disestablishment during the Revolution that seized land from the Catholic church. Revolutionaries also socialized vital records and institutionalized divorce, which had all previously been under the church’s dominion.
I think it was during the Dominion suit that Fox argued their propaganda was Merely Entertainment, Actually not to be taken seriously once the damage was done, and the Internet got all mad about the convenient arbitrariness in that double standard being used to prop up the Trump machine.
Thanks I hung it on the fridge.
Did you share it with everybody in this thread having serious discussion on the topic or just the person you disagree with?
It reads like a trinity of meme community, soapbox, and echo chamber
Getting on the supposed’a soapbox to post made it about you lol my point has been addressing a seeming disconnect between Internet atheists’ claimed values and lived experiences. If the country gets anymore Christian I’ll attribute it to their self unaware amplification.
What is on lemmy is righteous anti-social ascetic retreats into off grid homeschooled veganism. What I’m having trouble with is understanding how that sparks a change toward whatever you think is supposed to be rather than propagating the Christian status quo.
If the country is supposed to be “not Christian values” then it’s self-defeating to center and amplify Christian values like anti-capitalism, redistribution, and wielding government as a moral authority.
OK let’s start by redistributing wealth hoarded in churches, prioritized by a product of the number of hectares of land owned by the church and the volume of redistribution propaganda the church has promoted
If it’s not what it’s supposed to be then why is all the messaging around here basically “capitalism=bad, distributism=good”? Ascetic veganism routinely wins out as morally superior to mercantilism on this platform, suppressing Siddhartha’s exit from the woods.
If it’s not supposed to be the church then why is the prevailing ideology around here “store brand catholic social theory”?
I guess what I’m weighing is
I wonder if companysite. would be more expensive than a portfolio. There’s value in identity trust and countless ways to do that but the Internet gravitated to squirreling away domain names.
Weird trend across all platforms the last few years. In the days of broadcast media the FCC could regulate content. Then advertisers privatized the role. Then the Internet revived the free for all of public access. Then somebody worked some kind of Queen Victoria magic on content creators to get them to both write and visually bleep parts of words on behalf of the advertisers and publishers.