Im not on Twitter. Is this real?
Where is this book banned for children for being a bad influence?
Is this true? Can anyone confirm this?
Looks cool, but maybe not put (what could be easily seen as) a racist charicature as a top example.
Cooking is a good idea yes. Thanks!
Thank you. I love this idea.
No need. I do speak it well enough for normal conversation. I dont get all the local word jokes and sayings, but most of I understand.
I already do. (The family doesn’t speak English so there is no other way.)
I do speak their language. Not fluently but enough to have a normal conversation.
This is pure art.
Thanks. And yes, I am also starting to be less and less fond of these creatures. Any idea how these little assholes got to my house in the first place? Wind?
No, we dont. And they’re pretty stuck on the leaves. I think its Stellate scale, as others mentioned. But thanks for thinking along!
Ok, will try that. Thanks!
Thanks a lot. I think it indeed is Stellate scale!
Pretty pretty