It’s difficult to get anything to work on android tv when you don’t sign and don’t enable all the google shit. Even then the privacy statement is still bend over or your tv doesn’t boot past this screen.
The Apple TV much better.
It may be better than current android tv because the shield is so old and not been updated in so long.
Apple TV doesn’t have ads only what’s on when you have the app icon selected. Except inside apps that have ads.
It is reasonable to assume correlation in the context the causation occurs in. To imply TikTok isn’t influencing people is baseless ignorance or deliberately misleading.
People downloading TikTok are more likely to be impressionable children, TikTok then influences these children. Is a much more likely outcome, than what your suggesting.
Largely because they’ve spent two decades trying to police Afghanistan.
It does track if you realise the category of phone does not have much demand. Foldables are a novelty that many people will be discouraged from buying due to issues (perceived and real).
It’s a waste of money to improve these phones if the market isn’t there. It’s much better to focus on the markets you have a reasonable chance of growing sales in.
I imagine all smart phone categories are fairly stagnant now. Phones have been more than good enough for many years now that replacing them is more about replacing worn out unsupported hardware rather than getting better performance and features.
This is a good thing. His motivation may be more sinister. It could create a situation where non medical treatments can be advertised without restriction and genuine medicines can’t. It needs to be applied to all treatments, even unregulated ones.
The player does have a large effect on both those things. A player that supports the codec will not need server hw accept and hdr conversion as it will direct stream. A big issues is these codecs can cost money. So if the player doesn’t come with it the player needs to pay for it, something plex may be doing for those that purchased their subscription.
Linoleum isn’t plastic, you may be thinking of vinyl flooring which looks similar. Vinyl is cheaper and newer while appearing very similar to linoleum.
Scottish water is owned by the Scottish Goverment. It provides additional funding to the Scottish Goverment, unlike the water companies in England that require subsidies. It does this while providing the highest quality water in the UK, at the cheapest price and with challenging geography. The Scottish Goverment aren’t doing anything special, they just understand monopoly services can be provided efficiently by the government. It’s complete feasible for the rest of the UK to do this.
Privatisation is not and has never been about efficiency. It’s about extracting the common wealth of the nation. Highly efficient business vertically integrate. Like Starbucks makes their own cups and this allows them to operate at a higher profit margin. Apple designs their own packaging, processor’s and software as this allows them to operate at a higher profit margin. The same would be true for governments.
The problem is we elect people that don’t believe Goverment can be run effectively and efficiently. We shouldn’t be suprised when these politicians don’t run the Goverment effectively and efficiently.
Yeah, the three percent rise likely would have happened either way. The prices are what the economy will tolerate not the cost of business. If the cost of business exceeds the price the economy will tolerate the business folds. This should make the businesses that are left over more efficient. The most efficient countries (highest GDP) tend to have higher wages.
I don’t think you know how it works. AirDrop isn’t the same as Bluetooth or local network sharing. Its significantly more complex and requires access to both parties location and contacts.
The same price must be charged for products purchased with credit card or cash. Otherwise the card provider will withdraw their service from the retailer. So the credit card margin is added to every price.
It’s normal for these types of agencies to make their own judgments, they shouldn’t assume the FDA knows better. Population and genetic differences shouldn’t matter and won’t be a factor.
This would make the protocol less secure. Currently is limited to set software and hardware. It’s very difficult to exploit.
It would also provided access to more information about the user than they currently would expect to share when they have airdrop enabled.
Apple would have to redesign airdrop significantly to support this or risk major privacy and security issues. If apple does this you should stop using airdrop.
Jellyseer is a jellyfin comparable alternative to ombi.
The headline suggests they didn’t, but they did protect jobs.
The union stopped even more layoffs from happening. They stopped a 10% wage cut, and the jobs that are being cut won’t be immediately cut as planned.
This provides employees more time and more salary to find a new role elsewhere. The unions had to accept the reality of the situation, they would all be out of work if the company folded. They did win much fairer treatment for the employees than they would have had otherwise. They also got more support from the goverment to keep the business running and keep factories open than the business could get alone.
Unions work and this wasn’t an exception. In fact the union probably benefitted the shareholders as they produced an outcome that is more sustainable long term than the business leaders and shareholders would have chosen without the threat of strikes.
China up to all the same fuckery as Russia. They’re actively involved in supplying weapons and evading sanctions with Russia. They aren’t doing Europe any favours.
A court would only have to prove that a competent sailor would notice. You couldn’t argue they weren’t competent sailors due to the fact they sailed across the world professionally. If you could argue they weren’t competent sailors, the most reasonable solution would be they were incompetent spies.
It’s not excusable to drag a anchor for 100s of miles, it’s a difficult thing to do. Even if they didn’t cut cables they could still be liable for environmental damage.
They sold a bad product that needs fixed, bad software shouldn’t get an exception. The warning icons were probably not compliant and should never have left the factory.