Posts and pictures may not upload correctly, or at all, or maybe magically appear after seeming to not upload. Comments may also duplicate. We will tidy house once we get some stability back after the recent update to 0.18.1 and increased user load. Thank you for trying to continue to upload images for the community.
Yes, upvoting has been one of the issues I have experienced on both mobile and desktop. Funny enough, your comment duplicated.
How can one contribute to supporting Lemmy servers? Donations? Patreon?
On the front page of for me are two links, one being here:
Please double check this link before sending any money, it is not an endorsement from myself or the mod team.
Their comment also duplicated over here via federation. But I’ve also seen entire posts duplicated and of course posts without pictures (despite being on the original instance). So I think it’s quite busy all round right now, causing much weirdness.
How can one contribute to supporting Lemmy servers? Donations? Patreon?
writing a completeggg proper backend for the whole Lemmy fediverse would be the best way to help. waiting a bit and being understanding of outages, bugs etc would be the second best way.
I’m incredible when it comes to waiting