Idk if this belongs here but I saw this thumbnail and thought it was slop-worthy
I didn’t click the video because I don’t want that poisoning my feed, but I checked his channel and he’s just another chud but with a focus on whinging about open source. I guess there’s a niche for everything.
Here’s the link if you want brainrot I guess.
How can an open source developer be DEI, they aren’t an employee and they weren’t hired by anyone lmao.
(Please correct me if that’s wrong. But IFAIK Linus distros aren’t made by businesses, yeah?)
Well, reactionaries aren’t exactly smart
A lot of them are made by businesses. Elementary OS is developed and maintained by Elementary inc. Ubuntu is made by Canonical, Fedora CentOS, and RedHat are owned by IBM, etc.
A project being open source doesn’t necessarily mean anything about how it’s developed, just how it’s licensed.
Thanks, I didn’t know that
There are several (most of the “popular”) distros which are primarily developed by various forms of corporate structure. Fedhat Linux is probably the best known example.
It’s still foolish because as a rule these huge projects are meritocratic by nature where they’re open to outside contribution. Though there is a lot of politicking and other fuckery in various decision making processes. Still, nobody was ever forced to merge a pull request because the submitter was a black woman.
There have been big dummy-spits around certain things like renaming the once common
terminology for certain types of software and hardware architecture stuff. There is almost certainly a tiny activist contingent who focus on this stuff and don’t otherwise contribute to the projects they critique, but I’m verging on gamergate-brain level thinking even suggesting this, because it doesn’t matter and they’re usually correct.